
Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Sassy Echidna Software: 2012-2020

I have a new website:!

This means this will be my final post at Sassy Echidna Software.

In short, I have outgrown this blog. I created this blog in 2012 when I was 19. I wanted a space for sharing my games and writing about games in general, and Sassy Echidna served that purpose well. My creative output accelerated during this time, and I'm still going strong. 

I also grew and matured a lot during the past decade, as an artist, writer, thinker, and person. I was still practically a kid when I started the blog, and looking back at the first several years of posts on this site, it shows. I've taken down some of my most embarrassing writing, but removing the rest would require me to delete three-quarters of this blog. I'd like some distance from my old writing, and I would like to mostly write about things that aren't video games.

Also, most people don't know how to spell "echidna." This makes sustaining readership difficult.

My inaugural blog post on the new site goes deeper into my rationale for creating it, so I won't repeat myself here. In addition to hosting the new blog, the new Personal Site will be where you can find all of my games going forward. As the informational pages on Sassy Echidna become outdated, I'll take them down.

Thanks for following the blog over the past 8 years! The new one will be even better.